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More Updates from Yulin

Jun Ong

Some positive things happened in Yulin after this year's dog meat festival. We like to tell you about the following 2 incidents which really reinforce why we feel so hopeful that this brutal "festival" and trade will end for certain - it's just a matter of time.

No Dog Meat on Campus: For the first time ever in Yulin, a school published a notice on its campus bulletin board forbidding students to bring any dog meat to campus.

This is the only college in Yulin and it has approximately 10,000 students.

The most significant part is the language they used in the notice. Read the caption below.

Notice posted on the yulin school bulletin board: It says "In order to maintain a high standard of our school and cultivate students' good sense of animal welfare, dog meat is strictly forbidden on campus during the Summer Solstice. Any violation will be dealt with seriously and immediately."

Up Close and Personal: There was an "Up Close and Personal" event that was held just 3 days before the "festival".

It was such a success with kids and adults alike enjoying meeting and playing with dogs and cats.

Photo from the Up Close and Personal Event in Yulin.

These are just two examples of the positive influence Duo Duo Project and its many local volunteers have brought to Yulin.

These recent events show we are on the good righteous path. Slowly but surely we putting an end to this festival's backwards practices. For you reading this we are making a big difference, and we will continue to fight for what is right. With your continued support and donations we will end this nightmare in Yulin.



Aug 05, 2022

I cry every day. I pray every night. For these poor dogs and cats. My heart is destroyed. This news gives me hope. I will nevet stop praying. DOG BLESS YOU ALL!!


Aug 02, 2022

My tears for the dogs and cats are endless. Please keep up the good work. I'd like to know more about how I can personally help.


Jul 19, 2022

This is fantastic! A sure sign that hearts and minds are changing. Thanks to absolutely everyone working to end this despicable trade.


Jul 16, 2022

Thank you for sharing some good news. I want so much to believe that this evil practice will end forever some day.

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